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It’s tells the story of three cleaners: Eo Yong-mi (Yum Jung-ah), Ahn In-kyung (Jeon So-min), and Maeng Soo-ja (Kim Jae-hwa) at an financial company who resorts to insider trading, in order to feed their family and fulfil their dreams, after accidentally overhearing a piece of financial information.
Acteurs : Yum Jung-ah,Jeon So-min,Kim Jae-hwa,Jang Shin-Young,Lee Mu-saeng,Na In-woo,Kal So-won,Oh Seung-Yun,Kim Tae-woo,Kim In-kwon
Créateur : Choi Kyung-mi
Pays : South Korea
Année : 2022
Durée : 1h00min
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